
Sunday 13 November 2011

Most 10 Essential Tips For Successful Blogging

Many bloggers start a blog enthusiast, but stop as soon as visitors stay away. With these practical tips you successful blogging and you score higher in Google.

Blogging is not only fun, you can also earn serious money. In America there are many great bloggers who make a living from their blog and also the Netherlands has full-time bloggers. Why are they successful? 10 tips!

1. Write unique content

Search engines do not like duplicate content articles on several websites. A successful blog stands or falls with unique content. Original documents while writing takes time and effort, but you do not then your blog will not succeed. Perseverance and distinguished, is the motto.

2. Links to previous blogs with keywords

Do you want visitors to your website then you hold them. This can include internal links with appropriate anchor text, links to other blog pieces on your site. Put these links under the right words then it also has effects on the findability of your site.
3. Provide links to related blogs or websites

Links on other blogs and websites to your blog called backlinks. Backlinks are essential for a spot at the top of Google. The more backlinks, the more popular you are by Google and the higher the search engine you put in the search results. Not every link is worth the same and Google is looking to include the relevance between the two sites.

The rule links from similar sites or blogs are always good. Is not Google, or for new visitors via the link on your site are.
4. Install your blog on your domain

Would you seriously blogging is an external blog at or not good enough. A blog on your site helps you to attract links, attention, publicity, trust and a higher position in Google.
5. Invite guest bloggers

You can change the value and reach of your blog increase by guest bloggers to join. Everyone loves to hear that you appreciate his knowledge and consent of the other side it will give you an interesting blog post frequently on a backlink. Anyhow it's nice to exchange ideas and build relationships with peers
6. Write about popular topics

In any niche there are certain questions that often sets or topics are always current. Research what they are - for example through the trending topics on Twitter - and answer them in a blog. The better you are responding to the questions and interests of your audience, the better the chance they find you.
7. Find the dialogue

In an active blog readers feel like you're there for them. Reply with regular compliments on their involvement and do your best to their questions and problems. Be nice to your readers in short, because they determine your success or failure.
8. Encourage respond to

Encourage readers to respond to your blog. You can do this by asking questions or suggestions. Also make sure that responding easy. Captchas - illegible letters you must type for verification purposes - his blood and annoying cast a threshold for readers.
9-blogging. Spread your content in multiple ways

Some readers visit your blog regularly, others pop by and accidentally lose sight of him. Because virtually no one remembers the URL of your website or his book market you would be wise for the reader in several ways your loyalty.

Create an e-mail newsletter, distributed via social media and new blogs offer an RSS feed, for example via Feedburner. Put the Power's attention through prominent buttons.
10 Use Social Media

Social Media is a great way to get visitors to your blog. Use Facebook, Twitter and other social platforms to attract visitors to your blog. Bring new - or strong content - older blog posts to the attention or ask your followers what topics they like to read. This interaction provides weather and traffic to your website.
Conclusion: so can you successful blogging

A successful career you do not blog from one day to the blog. On the contrary, blogging is a matter for the long haul. On the other hand it really fun to do and that really compliments the next customer yields. People who appreciate your efforts and a good feeling with you. And then I talk about the benefits of SEO have not even mentioned. Blogging is a must in short, with these 10 tips blog is a successful career there really


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